Thursday, March 01, 2007

"Making the decision to have a child-it's momentous. It is to decide forever to have your heart go walking around outside your body." --Elizabeth Stone

Isaac is doing awesome on his CPAP. His pressure is still at 7, but his oxygen requirement has been down to the 30s and 40s. Today when I went in it was at 28%. He hates it--but he's doing well on it. He always tries to pull it out so they had to put this sticky stuff called duoderm on (and I think in) his nose to help hold the prongs in.

"Oh, Isaac" is a common refrain with just about everyone, including us. The nurse will get him all nice and cozy comfy, he'll be doing fine and then she'll walk away and he'll start desating, or he pulled his tubes out--any number of things. The other day he managed to flip to his side all by himself. This little man has been giving us a run for our money that's for sure. Quite a big personality in that little body. All the nurses love him though even though he's so difficult. :)

The other night I was able to hold him skin to skin and he did so well. I gave him his little pacifier to suck on while I held him and he loved it. Whenever I tried to pull it away, he would get so mad. It was so funny--and so much like something a full term baby would do. Once we put him back in his isolette, he was so super alert, looking at everything and staring with fascination at the oxygen bag next to him (above picture).

I gave him back his pacifier, thinking he wouldn't be able to hold it in by himself--and boy did he show me! He was holding on for dear life trying to keep it in. Kathy his nurse and I were dying laughing. What a little funny.

They began increasing his feeds today. he's up to 8 ml every 3 hours and doing pretty well. He's still on the Progestimil and will be for a while. They are going to increase the amount they are giving him every 12 hours. The plan is to get him on full feeds and off the IV fluids in a week. So far so good.

Another good day. Another good week. So much to be happy about.

"Life is wonderful."----Jason Mraz

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