Friday, September 07, 2007

May 29, 2007

So our sweetie little Isaac curently has some serious "roid rage". We had that cold scare last week so the MD put him on a five day course of steroids to help him breathe better. I'm embarrased at how long it took me to realize what his deal was (the same thing happened in the hospital). He has been so angry and I haven't been able to figure it out. (In my defense I'm not getting whole lot of sleep). Steroids to help breathe=good. Crazy raging infant=bad. I wish I was getting more sleep and could appreciate the hillarity of it. He basically has anger management issues and tries to be a little tyrant. The tiniest thing will set him off and he'll start raging. If you think about bulked up men (and women) on steroids and all the rage they carry around--that's Isaac right now. As Jaska put it yesterday, "Isaac and I are in a fight."

On another note--I have to say I am loving having an apnea monitor at home. When it goes off it is enough to wake the dead. It's like one of those foghorn things that cops use at parades. It is sooo bloomin' loud! Despite that, the benefits are far outweighing the annoyances. For one, it's peace of mind when he's sleeping. But the total unexpected bonus it that I can put him to sleep on his tummy without a single worry of SIDS. With his crazy reflux that is
everything. It helps his reflux a lot and he sleeps pretty much like a rock. I'm going to ask if we can just hang on to the monitor even after he doesn't need the O2 anymore, so we can keep putting him on his belly until his reflux abates. They should send home one of these with every parent bringing home a baby.

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