Thursday, April 26, 2007

Isaac is recovering from his eye surgery just fine. The surgeon said that everything went perfectly. Now we are just waiting for the redness (his eyes are crazy red) and swelling to go down--poor guy. He's had a great disposition the last couple of days so I hope that means he's not in any pain.

As I was sitting in post-op waiting for him to come back I was thinking of all the parents who have to do this all the time--parents of kids with leukemia, cerebral palsy, muscular dystrophy, cancer, genetic disorders, you name it. I admire so much the children and parents who live like this day after day after day. I do not know how many times I could handle watching my baby go in and out of surgery--particularly if it was a matter of life or death. How, how, how can such a thing be done? I was a near emotional wreck--and it was only eye surgery.

Pulmonary didn't come today--hopefully tomorrow. I'm hoping they send him over to the children's hospital this weekend.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

yeah! it sounds like he is doing great. i just wanted you to know in a year you wont be able to realize how small he was. i mean you will know and have pics but holding wise will be hard. at least it is with me. there is a great doll maker for preemies that make the doll to the exact weight and lenght of the birth of you child. i am ordering on for ainsley now. if you would like to know the website some time in the furture let me know email me.
congrads again he is truely a miracle and you are a strong woman and you are doing amazing getting through this. i do not think i would be able to. stay strong and positive.