Monday, April 30, 2007

Sunday afternoon nap with Daddy

The last couple of weeks have been a special brand of torture. Despite the fact that the NICU has come to feel somewhat normal, there is really nothing normal about it. In fact it reels against every natural feeling and tendency you have as a parent. There is something so fundamentally wrong about leaving your baby in the hospital for someone else to care for, in a plastic box, isolated from the world.

I am just getting so antsy! He's getting so close and I feel like they are dragging out this last part for no reason. He is totally ready to come home. I can handle him going across the street to the breathing center if they would actually do it already! Pulmonary finally came today (they said they were supposed to come last Thursday--turns out the NP didn't even call them until Friday. AARRGHHH!!) and decided that he would be over there by Friday. Friday? Friday? That's crazy! There really isn't anything stopping him from going right now. I am pushing hard for Wednesday. The only thing standing in our way is a tour of the other facilities which I am doing first thing tomorrow morning.

I was joking with my sister the other day about how pretty soon I'll just snap and grab Isaac and run out of there. I'll be on the national news as the crazy woman who went running out of the hospital with her baby. You just wait. If that happens, will someone please refer the police to this blog to back me up!

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