Sunday, April 22, 2007

Just a reminder to anyone that is interested in walking with us in the March of Dimes Preemie Walk--it's this Sunday April 29th at 10 am at the Hartford Civic Center. Registration begins at 9 am. We would love some company if you'd like to join us. Kids are totally welcome. If you'd like to come, just let us know so we can look for you.

(To our local friends, we realize that this is obviously right during church--so please don't feel bad if you'd like to come, but can't. We love y'all and can't wait to stop being hermits! Yay! Let's party!)

We are almost to our goal of raising $500 for the March of Dimes. If you would still like to donate, you can click the link to the right. Thank you all so much for your love and support. We'll make sure Isaac gives you all a big high five when he comes home.


Anonymous said...

I just want to thank you for sharing your story. I am currently 20 weeks pregnant and found out at 15 weeks that my little girl's amniotic fluid is CMV positive. Thus far, she looks okay, though measuring slightly smaller than expected. I guess I'm lucky that routine blood work at six weeks showed that I had the virus. It game me a chance to research and prepare myself (I've even had the opportunity to have an experiemental infusion that may help her). For a while I was devastated, but stories like Isaac's are helping me look forward to her birth and her life.

Brandon Jenson said...

Jenn- I want you to know that i have been following your journey with Isaac since you sent an e-mail back right after he was born. I have not tried too hard to make contact with you since i know that you are so busy with more important things but when you have a chance i would LOVE to hear from you. I actually thought about doing the walk with you, but it is our anniversary that day. Maybe when things get settled i could come and visit. I would LOVE to meet your little family and your HUGE miracle. my e-mail is!
Miss you TONS!! -Tina Jenson
(I am up in Attleboro, Mass- Where are you, exactly?