Saturday, January 06, 2007

January 5, 2007

Hope is like a road in the country; there was never a road, but when many people walk on it, the road comes into existence.
-- Lin Yutang.

I can't believe it's only been two days since I left the hospital. It feels like a hundred years. We've been trying to pull ourselves together and get some sort of routine down. We go to the the NICU in the morning and leave Jonah with friends, then come home for the afternoon to rest, and give Jonah a nap, and then one or all of us returns in the evening.

Our baby boy (bb) is still stable, but he's been having some issues. They are most concerned with his lungs and with the chance of a hemmorrage in his brain. An ultrasound of his brain showed no signs of a hemmorrage which is really good. They are going to repeat an exam on Monday to see if that stays the same.

His lungs are so underdeveloped, that all kinds of problems can arise. This morning they did an x-ray and found some black spots in his left lung. They are worried that they will lead to a hole in his lung which is especially dangerous for him because treatment could do more harm since his lungs are so fragile. So they did an evaluation, adjusted his oxygen levels, pulled his breathing tube out of his lungs a little bit and waited to see if it would help. A later x-ray showed improvement which was a relief. We were there for all of it--and it was a bit nerve-wracking to see everyone working on him and consulting over what to do. But--it paid off and he is definitely doing better.

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